Meet the Team
What is a CHAMP10N Sports Life Coach®?
A CHAMP10N Sports Life Coach® is a coach for your life that uses the language and methodology of sports to train you for the life you want to live. A CHAMP10N Sports Life Coach® is not a counselor, not a mentor, not a therapist, but a coach. We hire consultants for our businesses, trainers for our bodies, why not a coach for our lives?
We all have unique talents; sometimes it just takes a coach to bring out the best in us!
Our CHAMP10N Sports Life Coaches’ Commitments 2U
As a Team, our CHAMP10N Sports Life Coaches’ are Committed 2 Being a Standard of Excellence – a 10 - 3D: Personally 4 Significance; Professionally 4 Success and Philanthropically 4 Service. Each person on our Team, each action we take - 3D- is Connected 2 our Team Heartbeat. We are Committed 2 Being 4 Each Other. We are Committed 2 Being Competitively Great. We are Committed 2 G.I.V.E.H.O.P.E. We are Committed 2 Igniting the Power of Team 2B CHAMP10NS 4 ME, WE & OUR WORLD.
It is an honor 2 Seve and Support Our Team, Our Clients and Our World.
Carlette Patterson
Head Sports Life Coach®

Carlette’s background, expertise and experience have all been in the world of sports. She was a college athlete, a national-ranked swim coach, created and sold a wellness company, worked for the National Football League (NFL), the NBA Developmental League, founded a non-profit – Y.E.S. (You Equal Success), and after being trained by Martha Beck, number one Life Coach in America, Carlette created CHAMP10N Sports Life Coaching®. Carlette draws on her personal challenges and triumphs combined with 30+ years of senior leadership in professional, collegiate, and amateur sports organization to ignite purpose and passion to create Championship Change in three-dimensions (3D): Professional = Success; Personal = Significance; Philanthropic = Service of our lives.
Professionally, Carlette is committed to honoring who we are and the unique gifts we have to share, through the power of our life work. Philanthropically, she is devoted to G.I.V.E.H.O.P.E. to the next generation and train them to be champions in their lives by sharing her message of hope- who we are and what we value are important- you matter. Personally, Carlette is embracing the adventure of creating and living a life she loves. As a mother, Carlette is supporting her three adult daughters to have the courage to discover who they are, what they want, and how to play a small role in something bigger than themselves.
Raymariely Santos
Sports Life Coach® 4 Athletes
Raymariely Santos was introduced to CHAMP10N Sports Life Coaching in 2022 with Carlette becoming her Sports Life Coach. Immediately making an impact in her life, she decided to earn her Certification as a Sports Life Coach in November of 2022 to help young athletes in their life and careers. Raymariely recently retired from the National Team Program of Puerto Rico where she proudly represented her country for 17 years. She will continue her ProVolleyball Career in order to G.I.V.E.H.O.P.E. through her journey while she starts her career as a Certified Sports Life Coach®.
​"I wish I've found this earlier in my life. It's been a life changing experience where I learned to live in a 3D model, as well as honor my personal wellbeing, and to be healthy and successful in my professional career. I hope I can serve and support young athletes to live a life and a career of a 10!" - Raymariely Santos
If you're a high school athlete, collegiate athlete or professional athlete, Raymariely is committed to coach you to become a CHAMP10N in life and sports by learning about:

- How to be Competitively Great
- How to live a 3Dimensional Life: Professional for Success, Personal for Significance, and Philanthropically for Service.
- How to G.I.V.E.H.O.P.E. to yourself, your team, and your community.
The Life Training Academy Coaches are committed to being CHAMP10NS for you!
Our coaches measure their success by the number of people they help reach their goals, go for their life dreams and live their life on purpose.
It is an honor to be your Coach.